Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Weekly Wrap-Up - Jan 8

So the big news of last week was, obviously, that we closed on the house, whew!!!

We closed on Wednesday, then my parents and I (and the girls) spend Thurs and Friday taking stuff over to the house. My arm muscles should definitely be stronger by the time this is all done LOL.

I kept meaning to take pictures, but the only time I thought about when I was AT the house, hubby had my phone with him, sigh . . . so you'll have to settle for a few pictures I took when we first looked at the house (there was some trimwork and such that the then-owner was still working on, it's all done now, and now OUR mess is starting to take over LOL).

The front of the house.

Bathroom sink, with handmade cabinet

Clawfoot tub! I love it, BUT at the moment, that's ALL that's there, adding a shower is top priority LOL.

Kitchen - appliances didn't stay (that was another project for last week, ordering appliances), neither did the egg cartons LOL. We have a butcherblock "island" that we had in our townhouse when we first were married, it's been stored ever since, it fits PERFECTLY in the space where they had the butcher block.

Great room - there's no dining room per se, we have a drop-leaf table that we'll keep folded out of the way most of the time and put up when needed, so this space will be our living room. Valances didn't stay, shutters did. Random furniture didn't stay LOL. I'm so excited to have wood floors throughout the main floor!!! Woo-hoo!

Back (side) porch, with detached garage in the background. Former owner was completely smitten with Little Bit and loved playing with her whenever we came to look at the house. I think in this picture he was helping her walk on the railings and then jump off LOL.

Gazebo (as soon from the school room window). The neighbor on that side has since put a row of evergreens along the edge of their cornfield, which will make a nice hedge between our yards.

None of the pictures of the bedrooms really turned out, and really a bedroom w/ no furniture isn't a very exciting picture LOL. The main floor also has a pantry and the master bedroom. Upstairs is 2 bedrooms, one will be shared by all 3 girls, the other will be our "school room". There's also a full, unfinished basement with the laundry in it. 

So that pretty much consumed our week. While I'm holding off on the main parts of Little Bit's Waldorf Preschool until we get moved, we did start "circle time" on Jan 1, and have tried to do that most days. We are learning about the calendar by stringing beads, one per day, I hope to keep it up all year, using a different color for each month.

The big girls are continuing with Bible and History, we are listening to Jonathan Park in the car, so that gives us science, and more history, depending on the episode, and of course, their own reading as they choose. We're reading The Lord of the Rings trilogy for bedtime so that should count as literature class too right? And we're using Read Hebrew Today to learn Hebrew during our evening Bible time.

And that was our week.  This week will be more of the same, and we're planning to move the furniture, and start living in the new house on Sunday.

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