So, we were excited to have the chance to review The Brinkman Adventures Season 2: Episodes 13-24 from The Brinkman Adventures.

While the stories are fiction, they are based on true mission stories and you can read about the real stories behind the adventures on the Brinkman website.
These are adventures for the whole family, but it should be noted that there were some episodes in Season 2 that had a "warning" about being too scary/intense for young children. So MOST of the stories are for the whole family.
In The Brinkman Adventures Season 2: Episodes 13-24 we followed the Brinkman family on adventures including chickens, a trucker strike, a crocodile, meeting a retired missionary who told amazing stories from his time in China and Hong Kong . . . and that was just the first disc!
When I asked Lexie and Ashlyn what they thought of these cds, they actually started telling me, really quickly, talking over top of each other, so I just started jotting it all down, here's the jist of what two 11 year olds thought of it all. . .
It's adventure . . . drama . . . death . . . excitement . . . hilarity . . . I like Ian especially!
I like the missionary stories, they're kinda cool, especially when they're exciting.
They're kinda stupid, but in a good way, an exciting way.
Hope's cute (side note: Hope is the youngest daughter!)
I like the girls, and Ian, he's kinda stupid but he makes the best stories.
I like the island one because it's not true, it didn't really happen . . . (that makes sense if you've heard the episode)
Ian should give his sister the camera for her birthday (another one that makes sense if you've heard the episode)
I asked how many stars they'd give these stories and Ashlyn gave them a 5 star review. Lexie, never one to do things halfway, declared them to be a 100 star review! I think that means they liked them ;-)
So that's what Lexie and Ashlyn thought . . . how about me? While I tend to not gush quite as effusively as my daughters, yes, I liked them too! Some of the audio stories we've listen to leave me rolling my eyes, but I enjoyed these right along with the kids! And while I love the old mission stories that I grew up hearing, I'm excited to have found these stories, that teach my kids, and remind me, that there are STILL amazing mission stories going on! If you're looking for some great stories to listen to with your kids, these are a great choice!
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All prices and information are accurate at time of posting.

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