We got home Tuesday, and did our best to fit in little bits of school between all the play in the gorgeous outside weather! The girls have even managed to get Daddy out shooting hoops with them a few times, which led to, as he describes it "Ashlyn's first sports injury" I guess they both went for the ball, and she ran into him, which knocked her down and scraped her elbow pretty good.
Wednesday was our end-of-year evaluation for homeschooling. Ashlyn was very disappointed that she didn't have time to show Miss Karin EVERYTHING she'd wanted to show her, but otherwise, it went fine and the girls had fun showing off some of their artwork and such to an appreciative audience :)
Thursday was music lessons, the girls were preparing for a recital (that was yesterday), so that was the main focus of their lessons. It included them playing a duet together, which requires a level of teamwork that is good for them to focus on.

We finished up the week with a visit to Grandmom's house. Aunt Lynette and Uncle Dave were there too, and it was another gorgeous day. As soon as lunch was over Little Bit wanted to go outside to play, so we all headed outside. She even convinced Aunt Lynette and Uncle Dave to play on the slide with her :)
Then she and Uncle Dave ran a few "races". Grandmom's back yard is a pretty steep hill, so they got quite the workout. she LOVED it! Though it did mean I had to work abit to keep her from falling asleep on the drive home.
So that was our busy week. LOVING the spring weather!!!!
And, while we were at Grandmom's, we loaded up a few cinderblocks that she didn't need anymore, so now I really have no excuse to not get a small raised bed garden going . . . except, of course, that I hate gardening . . . love the RESULT, just hate the work . . .we'll see how this week goes :)
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