Sunday, February 22, 2009

Another Week Has Passed

The girls are continuing to enjoy the extra stuff we're doing for school. We slowed down abit this week to keep from burning out (and because Mommy wasn't feeling good a couple days). But the girls are enjoying the science & history. One of this week's books for history was about Thomas Jefferson, we were supposed to read, I think 2 or 3 chapters per day, but they were enjoying it so much that we read almost the whole book one day, finished it in 2 days instead of the 5 that were scheduled LOL.

Cutting up cardboard continued to be a favorite pastime, though me finding that not only were they throwing the little scraps all over the floor, instead of in the paper bin, but also into the plastic/cans bin, has kind of put an end to that. I'm already dreading having to go through the overflowing plastic/cans bin rather than just dumping it directly into the receptical at the recycling center.

L has decided that she wants to help w/ laundry too, so after some arguments over who gets to do what when, I think we have the laundry integrated into the schedule such that they can take turns. A was excited today when I explained how we wash the towels/wipes load (I do a pre-rinse, and then wash on hot, but this washing machine doesn't have a pre-wash or soak cycle, so it's abit confusing) & then sent her down at the appropriate times to do it. She even figured out to bring the clean/dry load up from the basement, it was a small-ish load, which helped, but she figured out & pulled the laundry basket up the steps behind her, smart kid :) She was VERY proud of herself :) We finished reading the first Anne of Green Gables book while L&A folded the wipes & towels. They're excited to start the second one now LOL.

L decided that she wanted to "make lunch" today, so she made sandwiches for all 3 of us (Daddy is working), she was quite proud of herself :)

This week we'll be studying the reproductive system for science. I'm leaving the whole week open for that, depending how interested they get. We'll for sure be reading Where Do Babies Come From, from the "Learning About S*x series", and we'll also go over the reproductive system page in our main anatomy book. Then I'll kind of follow their lead from there. A main purpose in doing the anatomy unit right now was to give them a better understanding of what's going to happen here in a month or so when the baby's born. So we'll also use my Bradley Book if needed (it has drawings of the baby during various stages of labor, so helpful from that standpoint. We'll also re-read Welcome With Love which tells about a homebirth from the sibling's perspective. We got it from the library & read it early in this pregnancy, but I figure it won't hurt to revisit it now and spend some more time talking about how OUR homebirth will be similar and different from the one in the book. . .

We have one day left in the B is for Beatitudes lapbook. In some ways I'm disappointed in it, I realize it's geared toward a preschool/early K level, but still . . . they have rewritten the beatitudes to the point that I have to really concentrate to figure out which of "theirs" is which of the actual beatitudes. But, the girls have had fun coloring the pictures & such, regardless. They have the Beatitude song pretty well memorized by now as well. We'll move on to the shorter, Beatitude study from Calvary for the rest of the week and then I'll have a better feel for whether we want to do additional Calvary studies, or switch to something else.

Not much else noteworthy this past week. Today's project is rearranging the girls room, it's a "Daddy/daughter" project (which came about, at least in part, because the girls had been using the corner behind the recliner in the living room for "secret meetings" but were getting increasingly hyper back there & yesterday when they managed to unplug my computer (which is plugged in under the table next to the recliner) AND when I glanced up to see what was up with that, I saw the entire table about to go over, I asked that they use that "meeting" to determine a new location for their meetings. This did not go over well with Miss A (which made it difficult since L was the main culprit, but not so much so that I felt it warranted allowing A to go back there but not L, plus I doubt that would have helped since it was a joint meeting. . . anyway, apparently A was still distressed about this at bedtime and so the girls & Daddy concocted some way of rearranging their room to allow for a "meeting space". They're all up there right now, I'm rather nervous about it all (I've been banned LOL), but we shall see . . . I'd been planning on having my mom work with them to at least better organize their toys & such (which is hard for me to help them with right now since it's all under the loft, which means crawling on the floor which is extremely painful for me at this point) so this will free up mom's time for other things, since I assume the toy organization will be a part of this . . . When dh was attempting to describe his "plan" to me last night (I didn't follow it very well), he said that part of the plan was to pack away stuff they don't use, so will be interesting to see what they're willing to part with, since any attempts on my part to get them to part with things has been met with total resistance LOL.

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