Sunday, April 24, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up - Easter Edition

We had a busy, and not very school-filled week, which is one of the reasons we school year-round. That insures that we can have school-less weeks and not have to play catch-up at some point.

Sunday was a church "garden party" social. The big girls listened quietly through all the gardening tips, and then helped to plant container gardens that the church later distributed in the apartments near our church.

Monday, one of the coordinators of the garden party e-mailed me and asked if Sassy and MiniMe wanted to come help her finish planting the containers that hadn't gotten done at the party. So during Little Bit's nap I took them over to the church where the 3 of them planted more in 45 min or so than everybody had at the party.  Tami said that she could barely get the dirt in the containers fast enough to stay ahead of the girls as they planted the flowers and vegetables.

Tuesday, we had some friends over for a playdate.  H (age 4) had been asking her Mommy to play with her "friends that are girls" (otherwise known as my 3 girls) so she and her brother , D (2 1/2) and their Mommy, Rachel came over for awhile on Tuesday. I think everyone had a good time. Rachel and I enjoyed the chance to get to know each other better and visit more than we ever have time to do at church. And all the children got along quite well. Unfortunately the "scattered showers" were more of a steady downpour by my definition, so we didn't get to play outside or explore the woods like I'd hoped we'd be able to do.

Wednesday was a GORGEOUS day, and all 3 girls had great fun having lemonade and cookies on JuJu's deck and then riding their bikes on the road by her house (don't worry, it's a traffic-less road, and much flatter than our steep driveway).  Wednesday evening MiniMe and I went on our monthly date to Chipotles and Dairy Queen.

And Thursday the girls and I headed to my parents' house for Easter. We met my parents at their old office (they're retired, but still stop by once in awhile), and went in to visit people. When Sassy and MiniMe were little that was a weekly occurrence, so "everybody" (more or less) knows them, though they don't remember everybody. Little Bit has only been in there a few times, so people were all amazed at how big she's getting.

Friday we mostly hung out at Mama and Papa's house. When it wasn't raining the big girls helped Papa by taking nails out of the boards on their deck (he's repairing/replacing it in preparation to build them a playhouse that will be off the side of the deck.

They also helped Papa mix the cement to go around the posts for their playhouse. They're definitely more "construction-minded" than their mother has ever been, hee hee.

While the big girls were busy helping Papa, Little Bit was thrilled to get to ride her "bike". She's discovered the fun of having her picture taken, so now she tells me "Mommy, picture" when she wants her picture taken. In this case, "Mommy. Picture. My. Bike"

Sabbath afternoon ended up being another GORGEOUS afternoon. Papa suggested that we load up the bikes (My parents' and the big girls') and drive to a rail trail not too far from their house. They all went biking while Little Bit & I stayed in the car while she napped & I enjoyed the sunshine and read a book. Once she woke up we played with her Schleich animals on a picnic table near the parking lot for awhile, then we walked a little ways down the rail trail and met the rest coming back.  They rode 6 miles round trip which isn't too bad for having just taken the training wheels off a few months ago.  Mom and Dad figure with a few more "practice" runs, the girls will be able to go the 10 miles between this stop and the next on the rail trail, and then they can all ride and Little Bit & I can drive to the next stop and pick everybody up.

While Papa was loading the bikes back up the girls had fun playing in the field of dandelions we'd parked next to. And I took the opportunity to get a picture of all 3 girls to replace the snowy picture I've had in my sidebar.

So, other than Easter preparation and today's Easter fun, that's pretty much been our week. I think I'll do a separate Easter post to keep this one from being TOO long.

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