Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Book Review: Be the Mom by Tracey Eyster

I recently signed up to write reviews for Tyndale Blog Network. The first book I received from them was Be the Mom by Tracey Eyster.

In this book, Tracey explores the many "traps" that moms fall into trying to be all the things that society tells us we should be. She points out how each of these traps (comparing yourself to others, trying to do it all, etc) is, indeed a trap and gives practical tips on how to recognize if you are in the trap, and what you need to do.

I enjoyed this book. It was easy to read, and, while I didn't see myself in all of the traps, it did give me some good advice to ponder related to the traps that do tend to trip me up. Even the traps that don't typically trip me up (I'm one of those weird people who has never really understood the need to "fit in", so I don't tend to worry too much about what others think of me), were things I've seen friends struggle with, and I could see the value in the advice given.

Throughout the book, Tracey draws on personal experiences, giving the book the feel of sitting down and chatting with an older "been there, done that" mom. I'd recommend this as a great read for all moms!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of the above mentioned book from Tyndale in exchange for writing an unbiased review. No other compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Thanks so much for reading and reviewing my book! I am glad you found it helpful! Love the pic of you with your girls - adorable! Blessings to you! Big Hugs!