Monday, August 27, 2012

Crew Review: Heroines of the Past Bible Study


In case you haven't noticed, we LOVE history around here!! And we're a family full of girls (poor Rodney, sooo outnumbered!) so when we got a chance to review a Bible Study about Girls and Women in History, we jumped on it!

PhotobucketAmy Puetz from Golden Prairie Press gave us a choice of several options to review. We chose Heroines of the Past Bible Study.

Heroines of the Past Bible Study is a thirteen week Bible study that tells stories of courageous, virtuous women throughout history. It is designed to be used 5 days a week, and each day's lesson includes a short story about a woman from history, and then a few discussion questions focusing on the virtues the woman in the story displayed and Bible verses to help us apply these virtues to our lives.

We have been using this Bible study for our evening Bible time. I have been reading the story aloud to Sassy & MiniMe, then we go over the discussion questions orally together with the girls taking turns looking up the suggested Bible verses.

We've been enjoying this study and plan to continue using it going forward. We did notice, in the case of a story we've read/heard from 2-3 other sources, that the details in this story didn't line up with the other versions we've heard. While it can be hard to know which is most accurate, the fact that we've heard more than one other version that were more in agreement with each other, and seemed more plausible, made me question the accuracy of this version, which leads me to wonder about details in the other stories, however since this is primarily a Bible study, and not a history textbook, it gave us a good chance to discuss the fact that we need to recognize that history is full of stories and sometimes details get lost or changed over time, so everything should be taken with a grain of salt.

Overall the girls have enjoyed it. They do complain sometimes when there are a lot of verses to look up, but it's good for them LOL. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a good way to combine character studies and history for their daughters.

We received the Kindle ebook version of this book. The ebook is also available in mobi (for Nook and similar ereaders) or .pdf formats. Or you can purchase the print version of the book. This book is currently on sale for $21.60 (regular price is $27). In addition to this book, several other products from Golden Prairie Press were also reviewed by members of the Crew. Check out all of their reviews, here.


Disclaimer: As a member of the Schoolhouse Review Crew, I received the above mentioned product in exchange for writing an honest review. No other compensation was received and all opinions are those of myself or my children, as stated.

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