Tuesday morning dh called and said that they were discharging him THAT DAY! So I headed back to the hospital to get him. After a day of "hurry up and wait" we finally made it HOME!
While I was bringing Rodney home, my dad brought the girls home, and stayed to install our air conditioners (which he got installed just in time for the weather to cool off, so we haven't had to run them yet, woo-hoo!), and do a couple other projects, including picking up a new riding mower for us. The new one is safe for Lexie and Ashlyn to drive, and they spent part of Friday getting a start on the lawn, which thankfully wasn't too bad, thanks to our AWESOME neighbor who mowed for us, with the barely working old mower, while we were gone.

The Physical Therapist came on Thursday and also "assigned" him to go up and down our stairs once a day, and a couple other new exercises.
The girls have been grabbing as much outside time as possible, thankful to be home, and for the nice weather.

Because I can't leave dh alone yet, we enjoyed a quiet, truly RESTFUL Sabbath yesterday. It was LOVELY!!! To wake up on Sabbath and be able to enjoy my morning Bible time, and a leisurely cup of coffee while the breezes blew through the windows and the birds sang.
We had planned to watch some nature/religious videos for "church" but with the weather soooo gorgeous, the girls ate breakfast and headed outside! The rest of the day consisted of them playing outside, us eating simple meals, and just generally relaxing together!
The weather was PERFECT! Even DH spent some extra time outside, enjoying the swing in the gazebo part-way through his daily walk.
The girls spent a good part of the afternoon in the creek! Trying to catch minnows, wading, and who knows what! So I'll wrap-up this post with a few pictures of them enjoying the creek on a beautiful Sabbath afternoon!
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