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It's funny how, even when things seem to be going sooo slowly in some ways, the weeks are still flying by in other ways. It seems like dh's surgery JUST Happened and now it's been a month!
We had a few "milestones" this past week.
- DH decided to try walking to the neighbors. It was a stretch for his stamina, but he did it, AND if you look close, you can also see his BRIGHT PINK toenails, courtesy of Little Bit. He's such an awesome daddy!!!!
- Last week also marked the end of Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy for him. He's still supposed to be doing the exercises, but they aren't coming to the house any more. The next step in "therapy" will be cardiac rehab after the surgeon says it's ok, which won't be until the end of the month or later.
- Thursday was his follow-up appointment with his cardiologist. It also happened to be meeting a new cardiologist because the one he's had for the last few years retired right before dh's surgery. So he met with a different doctor in the same practice. The cardiologist said that, considering all the complications he'd read about in dh's file, he was surprised that dh was up and walking around as well as he is. So I guess, even though recovery has seemed painfully slow to us, he's actually doing better than expected! The cardiologist said that his heart sounds excellent and everything seems to be healing properly. Beyond that, it sounded like he just wants to hold off on anything until after the surgeon releases him, then he wants to work on getting dh off most of the meds and, he reiterated that dh should definitely do the cardiac rehab. He also said that dh will be off work for at least a total of 8 weeks, which doesn't surprise me, since most people are off 8-12 weeks and dh's surgery was far from "textbook" :)

At the homeschool convention I went to right before surgery, I got Little Bit the Circle C Beginnings series. Her sisters have enjoyed the other books by that author, and actually we reviewed, and loved, one book in the Circle C Beginnings series when we were first starting to review products. As I expected, her sisters were enthusiastic about her getting to read these books, and Lexie immediately offered to read them to her. Ashlyn was happy to listen in, so the 3 of them have been "bonding" while Lexie reads these stories to Little Bit. They finished the series yesterday, so now they're on the hunt for other chapter books to read together :)
Ashlyn continues to love the grammar/writing curriculum that we're reviewing, though some "lessons" take longer than anticipated because she goes so far above and beyond what is assigned, LOL. She's loving it though, so whatever works!

Needless to say, after all that gardening, Ashlyn and Little Bit were FILTHY, so I sent them straight to the shower/bath. Little Bit was enjoying being Ashlyn's "mini-me" so she took a shower instead of a bath, and then had Ashlyn wrap her hair in a towel. They wanted to show Daddy, but he was napping, so I took a picture instead :)
And to wrap-up this wrap-up (hee hee), I found a couple pictures that Little Bit had taken on the iPad earlier this month that I thought I'd share here :)
Ever since we moved here I've tried to get a decent picture of the bookshelves my dad built instead of a banister for our stairs, and I could never get a good angle. I think Little Bit was sitting on the arm of my recliner, or perhaps on my shoulder when she took this, and other than being crooked, it actually shows the bookcase pretty well, so I thought I'd throw it in here :)
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