Monday, May 7, 2012

C is for Cute

Little Bit is 37 months old
This past week was "C" Week for Little Bit, here's some of the fun we had:

She is still LOVING the sensory bin! I was lazy and just used the pinto beans again, but obviously switched out the stuff in the bin for "C" stuff. C was a fun letter since it included a "can" and a "cup", so lots of pouring fun.

We sang the "C" memory verse song from Songs for Saplings

Each day we sang "The C says c" from Leapfrog

I printed, and laminated the letter C from 1+1+1=1's Animal ABCs. We put it on our white board for the week.

Little Bit made the cutand glue letter C from the Animal ABCs

Each day in her sensory bin, Little Bit found 3 chocolate caramel candies, one for each of the girls. 

I printed and laminated these "road" letter C's for her to drive a matchbox-type car on.

Little Bit is loving playdoh! So I went through and pulled out several "C" cookie cutters for her to use this week.  I also printed the C playdoh mat from 1+1+1=1's Animal ABCs for her to play with.

I printed a C do-a-dot page for her to put magnets on.

I printed a "C" cut and paste page and let her cut out the pictures and glue them around the C.

I printed and laminated the letter C  pattern block page from this site. That page also has the pattern blocks you can print out. We already have pattern blocks similar to these, but this week we took it with us to MiniMe's piano lesson, and used our magnetic pattern blocks instead.

We played with the letter C beanbags from the sets of alphabet bean bags the grandmothers made for Little Bit for her birthday.
She continues to love the salt box (salt in a plastic shoe box), but generally just sifts it through her fingers and draws random designs in it,  or covers my hand with it. 

I printed a couple different C coloring pages for her to color, and we added them to her ABC book. 

We read "C" themed books. I went through our bookshelves and pulled out any that seemed in her age range. I also got some from the library.

On Friday we read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and she added a C sticker to her  "Coconut Tree" (inflatable palm tree from the dollar store).

This last picture is only a "C" thing because it's made out of crackers. Little Bit was eating crackers for a snack and came up with this flower all on her own. She was soo proud of herself :) 

To see what other Tots are doing, check out this link.

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