Sunday, June 27, 2010

15 Things I Love About My Husband

One of the blogs I read recommended this post on another blog. It's a beautiful, thought-provoking post on safeguarding your marriage! In the post, Ann Voskamp challenges her readers to have a Thankfulness Journal, to record things that we're thankful for about our husbands. I thought that was a great idea!! It's so easy for all of us to make sure everyone knows when things go wrong, but forget to mention the simple, every-day things that we're thankful for (or even remember to BE thankful for those simple, every-day things.

So, without further ado, in no particular order, (some of the) things I'm thankful for about my husband:

  1. His love for our daughters
  2. That he provides well for our family
  3. That he supports my desire to stay home with our children
  4. That he's always willing to cook when I haven't had time
  5. That he never complains when the house is a mess
  6. No matter how busy things are, he finds time for his girls
  7. Watching him melt when his girls ask him for anything
  8. He shares my enjoyment in "window shopping" for houses
  9. He supports my desire to homeschool our children
  10. His sense of humor
  11. His smile
  12. His hugs
  13. He's always done everything he can to help w/ nighttimes with babies (both when the twins were little and now with Little Bit) so that I can get enough sleep to function (I need more sleep than him to function)
  14. He always puts others first
  15. His generosity

1 comment:

Lydia said...

Thank you for the reminder to let my husband know the many things about him for which I am grateful.