Sunday, September 14, 2008

Weekly Wrap-Up

We actually did "school" all but one day this week. The girls are enjoying the reading lessons, and so far finding them easy. The first of the recommended easy reading books finally came in at the library on Friday so we'll go get it tomorrow and see how they do reading it. The history book "Leif the Lucky" hasn't come in at the library yet, sigh . . . so we skipped one day of history. For this week I have extra reading in the schedule to "catch up" if we do get Leif the Lucky (library is still showing us as #3 on the list but they have 4 copies of the book in the system so it seems reasonable that it should come in soon). Until we get it, we'll just move forward and go into next week's reading if we need to. Once we got into the actual "story" in Discovery of America, the girls wanted to read farther than "assigned" (so we've already read a good part of the first assignment for this week in that book) so I'm hoping that we can continue to move through things quickly now that we're getting into stuff they're more interested in. . . The This Country of Ours downloadable book is a LOT of reading and rather over their head, we'll give it abit longer, but may drop it if they're finding other books more interesting.

Solar system study is going well and they like being able to decide what they want to put in their lapbook from the things we read out of the Solar System book we have. At the beginning of the week, L saw me cutting out a red construction paper circle for the mobile and w/o me having said anything, she guessed we were studying Mars this week because she knew it was the red planet. And A wanted to know, when we started reading the book about Mars, why it looked yellow, not red.

And the girls are continuing to enjoy the paperdolls for Bible time.

In other news this week, the girls are continuing to LOVE the sandbox, they spent hours & hours this week catching caterpillars and building them a whole little city in the sandbox. . . poor caterpillars were well tortured, but the girls had a blast. By the end of the week they were having trouble find caterpillars so apparently they're all metomorphisizing (or maybe this late in the season they hybernate till spring? I don't know. . . this seems like a wierd time of year to be overrun w/ caterpillars but overrun we were, shrug.

Other then the midwife appointment, that was about it around here this week. I heart quiet weeks :)

1 comment:

Karla Cook @ Roads to Everywhere said...

Sounds like a great routine that you are developing! Homeschooling is such a privilege, isn't it?