Sunday, April 8, 2012

Weekly Wrap-up - April 8

We had a busy week this past week, as evidenced by the fact that it took me half the week to post LAST WEEK's Wrap-up, sigh . . .

Sunday we went to a friend's house. E (5) was sooo excited to show off his new racetrack and other fun new toys (his birthday is in March too). Then when he discovered that MiniMe and Sassy knew how to blow up balloons, his mom gave them a bag of balloons and all the kids had great fun playing with, and popping balloons. Fun times!

Monday was a much-anticipated day!!! Miss Sara used to live with our neighbor, Miss Judy, but moved to Hawaii last summer. We LOOVE Miss Sara and she has been much missed. So, a month or so ago, Miss Judy told us that Sara would be in NY the first week of April, and was planning to come to Judy's house one of the days. At that time we thought Daddy would be in Pittsburgh the first week of April, but Sassy and MiniMe were instantly ready to give up a trip to Pittsburgh to be here to see Miss Sara. As it turned out, Daddy's trip was cancelled, so that was a non-issue. Monday we enjoyed a lovely lunch and afternoon at Miss Judy's visiting with Miss Sara and other friends. Little Bit didn't seem to remember Miss Sara when I talked about her, though she was also in a bad mood so may have just been saying "no" because she could . . . but once we were there she warmed up to her pretty quickly, and told me in no uncertain terms that she wanted Miss Sara to sit by her at lunch instead of me LOL.

Tuesday and Wednesday were just boring errands and cleaning and school and stuff.

Thursday I had slatted as my "clean for Passover" day, and had warned the girls of those plans. But that morning a friend called and asked if I could possibly watch her children. Her normal babysitter was sick and she couldn't take off work that day. So, we scrapped all plans for school and housecleaning and spent the day playing outside and building with Wedgits and otherwise having a fun time with friends. In the afternoon we did our Passover grocery shopping and came out from the store, set to make a quick run to the library before going home and throwing together something for supper, and the car battery was dead. URRGGGHHH!!! It was dead a week or so ago (at home) after a light got left on inside the car, and I commented to dh then, that I was pretty sure that meant the battery was going. That a single "map light" shouldn't have drained the battery in one night. But then I promptly forgot about it. When we got to the grocery store that afternoon, Little Bit had fallen asleep, so we sat and listened to Adventures in Odyssey while she slept. It was a pretty day and without thinking about the bad battery, I turned the engine off too save gas. So, listening to the tape without the engine running must have been what ran the battery down. Thankfully, dh was at the office, and not in Philadelphia or York or somewhere, so he came and jumped the car for me, then went and got a new battery that he installed for me the next day, woo-hoo!!!

Friday MiniMe learned how to install a car battery, and both she and Sassy helped me prep food for Passover.

Friday night was officially Passover, but we had decided to have our Seder on Sabbath afternoon/evening instead. We did have matzo instead of Challah bread for Friday night though. And decided to try our hand at Matzo ball soup too. In looking for vegetarian Passover recipes I had discovered a recipe for Moroccan style Vegan Matzo Ball Soup so we made it (minus the carrots since none of us are big on cooked carrots, and mushrooms because I don't like mushrooms, and the cook gets to decide things like that LOL), but just made regular Matzo balls instead of the vegan ones in the recipe. Matzo balls were a BIG hit, and the soup was declared acceptable too. So woo-hoo!!! a new Friday night soup option.

Sabbath we got home from church, ate a quick lunch, put Little Bit down for nap, and the big girls and I got busy working on our Passover meal.

After Little Bit woke up from her nap we began our Seder. I had combined 2 or 3 different Messianic Haggadahs (the booklet with who says and does what, when, during the Seder), to come up with a short, simple one that worked for us.  It was nice. The girls really enjoyed it and it was a wonderful way of remembering Jesus' sacrifice. We included foot washing where we think Jesus might have washed the disciples' feet during their Seder/Last Supper, and also remembered Jesus' admonition to remember Him when drinking the wine and eating the bread, I think doing all of this as a part of a Passover Seder helped the girls, and me, see the symbolism of it better than our typical church communion, removed from the Seder context.

So that was our week, today we're enjoying Firstfruits, and the continuing week of Unleavened Bread.

In  between all the above activity, we've been enjoying lots of history (there's a review coming in the next day or 2) and Science (that review is still a week or so away).

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