Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The B Says B, The Be Says B . . .

Little Bit is 37 months old
This week was "B Week" for Little Bit. Here's what we did:

  • A "B" Sensory in. This was alot easier than A for some reason, we had TONS of small B toys around. I used a bigger bin, and filled it with dry pinto beans. I'm not sure she ever made it to the bottom of this one, but she loved it just the same (on a side note, if you've ever cooked with dry beans and considered NOT rinsing them first, don't! The first day or two that she played with this her hands were BLACK after sifting through the dry beans, sigh . . . ) 
  • We sang the "B" song from Songs for Saplings
  • Each day we sang "The B says b, the B says b, every letter makes a sound, the B says b" (anyone who's seen Leapfrog videos, no doubt recognizes the song LOL).
  • I printed, and laminated the letter B from 1+1+1=1's Animal ABCs. We put it on our white board for the week.
  • The above Animal ABCs also has a plain letter B, and then Bears to cut out and glue onto the B. Little Bit cut out the Bears and glued them on the B, then we added the page to her "ABC book".
  • We had biscuits for breakfast one day, bananas for snacks, and banana muffins for breakfast another day.
  • I printed and laminated these "road" letter B's for her to drive a matchbox-type car on.
  • I printed a Butterfly do-a-dot page for her to put the magnets an
  • I printed a "B" cut and paste page and let her cut out the pictures and glue them around the B.
  • I printed and laminated the letter B pattern block page from this site. That page also has the pattern blocks you can print out. We already have pattern blocks similar to these, so we used them. 
  • We played with the letter B beanbags from the sets of alphabet bean bags the grandmothers made for Little Bit for her birthday.
  • She continues to love the salt box (salt in a plastic shoe box), but generally just sifts it through her fingers and draws random designs in it,  or covers my hand with it. On Friday, when Sassy was the teacher, they added some rocks and "dew drops" (blue flat marble thingys, for putting in the bottom of vases and such) so now she hunts for those, covers them up, etc.
  • I also printed a couple different B coloring pages for her to color, and we added them to her ABC book. 
  • We read lots of B themed books, and alphabet books this week. I went through our bookshelves and pulled out any that seemed in her age range. I also got some from the library.
  • I got an inflatable palm tree from the dollar store (conveniently they have a bunch of "luau" theme party stuff right now). We read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and she put an A sticker (because we didn't get to it last week) and a B sticker, on the "Coconut Tree". My plan is to continue adding stickers each week. 
Find more Tot School ideas here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Sounds like a busy week with the letter Bb!
We also sing the letter song from the leapfrog videos, though we got ours from the fridge magnet set. I have never actually watched the videos with the kids - perhaps I should borrow them from the library!