Friday, August 22, 2008

I'm still alive . . .

Just in case you thought I'd vanished from the face of the earth, I haven't . . . this week has been way too busy and I'm not finding time to keep up w/ e-mail, much less blog. I don't deal well with busy weeks anyway, but to top it off, we're finally ready to announce to the world that A & L will FINALLY get to be big sisters next April!!! So I have first trimester tiredness on top of all the busyness. I started a separate pregnancy journal, which you can find here, if you want to read my whining, and updates, and once i start looking pregnant, belly pictures & such . . .


Unknown said...

Congratualtions! I hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months.

Unknown said...

Hurrah and Hugs! Congrats to your entire family!