Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Introducing . . .Little Bit's TOT SCHOOL!

Little Bit is 22 months old

I came across this blog awhile back, and loved all her ideas for fun things to do with the little ones. I finally decided to start doing my own weekly(ish) Tot School posts.  We don't do a formal "school time" with Little Bit, but we do have some special toys that we only pull out during the big girls' school time (she calls her Lauri Toddler Tote "school" because that's when she gets to play with it, hee hee), but those are generally things that don't require much supervision, since I'm busy with the big girls.

But at this age EVERYTHING is educational . . . so I decided rather than trying to show something specific we do each day (since we don't introduce new toys every week, so it would get repetitive fast . . . ) I'd just highlight one or two things that she's currently enjoying each week.

I already mentioned her Lauri Toddler Tote otherwise known around here as "kool" (school, in Little Bit talk).  She LOVES it! And it's something she can play with all on her own. Though it took us awhile to learn that we can't eat the foam pieces. She really likes building with the little peg things in it, I'm thinking next time we need a new distraction I might get her some more of those . . .

Another favorite right now is puzzles.  This is a Melissa and Doug farm puzzle she got for Christmas when she was a baby.  It's fun because as a baby, very young toddler, the wood animals were fun toys all on their own, and now it's a fun puzzle, AND she likes to stalk all the animal pieces up like blocks.  She's really moving beyond this type of puzzles, and starting to enjoy ones where the pieces fit together, but she still likes this one. Especially since just this week she found the long-lost goat piece (we somehow had misplaced it when we were in the baby, just-play-with-the-pieces as animals phase, and I couldn't find it when she started wanting to do the puzzle. Then this week we pulled out the basket of wood blocks for her & ta-da there it was. She was VERY excited.

She CAN do her puzzles on her own, and does sometimes, but she seems to prefer them as a group activity, so the above pose, with the puzzle in my lap & her standing in front of me to put it together, is pretty common (the lack of clothing is pretty common too, though she's starting to voluntarily wear clothes abit more often, finally . . . ).

And THAT is Tot School for this week! Hope you enjoyed peeking into the world of an active 22 mo old. You can check out what everyone else is doing for Tot School here.

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