Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Home Keeper's Journal - Unity

This week’s Homekeeper’s Journal is about Homemaking and …..Unity
In my kitchen this week …my Mommy's here, so the kitchen actually gets cleaned up promptly after every meal, and more cooking than usual is happening, but I can't take credit for it, Little Bit's being super clingy . . . not sure what's up with that!
In my household plans this week …. I'm straightening up the main floor, taking advantage of my Dad's bigger-than-mine and carseat-less car to send a huge load of recycling to the recycling center. Continuing to make slow progress at decluttering. Focusing more on a total end result than visible process right now . . . 
My off-the-cuff definition of Unity is …. choosing to get along.
The opposite of Unity … hmmm . . . not choosing to get along? It occurs to me that selfishness leads to a lack of unity . . . 
Unity in my home ….. is a work in progress. Three spirited little girls can find unity a challenge, but we keep working on it, and seeing progress.
Unity in my Church … hmmm . . . do I want to touch this? I think when it comes to my church, or any church, whether a person sees unity or disunity depends on what the person is looking for. There will always be differences of opinion. There will always be people who look for those differences and highlight them and make small differences into major issues. I can choose to focus on that, or choose to focus on our mutual love of God and fellowshipping with other members of God's family. Most of the time I choose the latter. 
Between a husband and wife, Unity …. is essential, and requires a selflessness that is at complete odds with what society tells us we should strive for. 
I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1-3 KJV

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