Monday, August 31, 2009

Indiana Trip, Day 4!

Yay! I'm actually writing about today . . . TODAY!
From Summer 2009

We spent another morning in the pool. Both (big) girls took their water wings off and did some "real" swimming in the 3 ft. And some jumping into the 5ft w/o the water wings with a grown up there to tow them to the edge after they bobbed under & back up. Big pool accomplishment of the day, L learned to swim on her back, she swam the length of the pool (not super big, but typical hotel-size pool). A also figured out how to swim on her back, though she's not going the length of the pool yet.
From Summer 2009

This afternoon we visited dh's grandparents. They were thrilled to get to meet Little Bit and see how A & L have grown. They'd gotten some puzzles for the girls to play with, so the girls had fun with the puzzles and also touring Grandpa's garden and such. Little Bit was fussy (one too many days of interrupted naps, plus it was very warm inside their house, despite being downright chilly outside today) but finally settled down to "nurp" (nap/nurse) while we visited.

We got back to the hotel in time to eat a light supper in the room and still get some more swimming in this evening.

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