Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Home Keeper's Journal - May 26

In my kitchen this week ……I've done absolutely nothing, since I haven't been home. . . I have, however, started thinking through foods I want to have prepared ahead for campmeeting in a couple weeks, so I predict the kitchen will busy the next two weeks.

Doing this and that …. this has been a week of fun for us, we went to a live butterfly exhibit, spent time with friends, went to a train museum. . . we've been having fun. Now Little Bit & I are heading home while the big girls spend more time having fun with the grandparents.

We’re getting geared up for summer by ….. planning for campmeeting. We will have my parents' motorhome at campmeeting this year, so the planning is different as we figure out what we need to make ahead and have on hand for actually staying at campmeeting. It will be nice to not have to juggle the logistics of the big girls' meeting schedule . . . an evening meeting that isn't over until past bedtime doesn't mesh well with living at home, 45 min away. But since hubby's work doesn't lend itself to him staying up there (and his back, that doesn't even like most hotel beds, doesn't lend itself to staying in a 20 yr old motorhome), that means the challenges of "camping" will be interesting to navigate with a two year old without a second adult there the whole time (my parents are still deciding how much of the time they'll be there).

My summer plans include ….. campmeeting (notice a theme here?), I need to pin the girls down on VBS, if they want to go, or not. They loved it when I could stay with them, but opted out of it last year when I pointed out that I couldn't stay with them, with a toddler in tow. Same applies this year, but they've become more willing to venture on their own, so we shall see . . . Otherwise, I think our summer is going to be trying to hit some of the close-to-home tours and museums that we somehow never make time for.  And of course, possibly traveling some with Daddy.

The weather here has been …… overall, very nice, BUT there's been thunderstorm/rain predicted every day which makes planning outdoor activities a challenge. The girls had really wanted to go biking on a nearby rail trail with my parents yesterday (and Little Bit and I would have headed home) but the chance of thunderstorms vetoed that idea, turned out to be a gorgeous day, but we had fun at the train museum, so the day wasn't a total loss.  

Visit ChristianHomemaker to see other HomeKeeper's Journals for this week.

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