The big girls finished spreading the mulch for me, and did some other planting and such, but mostly I just turned them loose outside.
Our "date schedule" is all convoluted this month. Normally Rodney & I have our date the first week, and I have my bookclub (when Rodney takes at least the big girls someplace fun) the 2nd week. But this month, we had rescheduled bookclub for the first week (because of other people's schedules). So, we figured we'd just flip the two, and Rodney & I would have our date this (2nd) week. But our schedule didn't mesh with Starla's this week, so we flipped things AGAIN, and MiniMe and I went on our date (normally 3rd week) instead. We're in a "rut" but as long as she likes it, that's fine with me LOL. We go to Chipotles for supper and then Dairy Queen for dessert. Last month when Sassy had her date, I wanted to look for something at the Dollar Store (next to DQ, so it's convenient) and Sassy ended up getting a "magic kit" that she's been having fun with. So MiniMe wanted her own magic kit (the Dollar Store has 3 different "kits" so she could get one with different "tricks" from Sassy's). She's only learned one of the tricks so far, but she's having so much fun with it.
We had our "Moms" bookclub this week. The big girls had fun playing frisbee outside with Pastor Mike, so that was a hit. Just as we were gathering things up to leave Little Bit fell ALL the way down their basement stairs. None of us saw her "start" so not sure what caused it, thankfully she rolled "sideways" not head over heels. She was obviously scared (so we the rest of us!) but otherwise ok. She has a little scrape on her forehead but other then that, not even any bumps or bruises. As soon as I'd made sure there wasn't any blood or broken bones, I started nursing her to help her calm down, and asked MiniMe to find the Arnica
Friday Rodney took all 3 girls to his mom's while I was at the homeschool convention. And the big girls spent the night there, then Rodney & Little Bit went back down on Sabbath.
And that was our week. Not alot to write about, but a good week just the same!
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