Monday, November 19, 2007

Cute conversation

While we were moving kids' toys around to vacuum today I figured we might as well figure out the Christmas tree placement at the same time (since we traditionally decorate for Christmas right after Thanksgiving). We've always put the tree in the corner that is "A's house" and honestly, I don't remember how we talked her into that last year, or the year before, for that matter, but I had a feeling she wouldn't take well to it this year . . . and I was right. Interestingly, L was ok with putting the tree in HER house, which while not what I would ideally choose, will work ok, and there's something to be said for keeping the peace LOL. So, we cleaned up L's toys more than usual in preparation for vacuuming. Then after I vacuumed, I asked them if they wanted to put L's playstand in 'A's house" or in the basement. A initially said the basement, until I pointed out that we could drape a silkscape over both playstands if we put them together in her house, then she was ok with it. And then they both got very into the concept of L "visiting" A's house. Hopefully that particular storyline will hold up for the next month LOL. But for the moment, both rocking chairs are side by side in A's house as are both doll highchairs. L had already decided her baby could nap on the floor, and sleep upstairs at night, so there was no need to move the doll's "bed" (box) into A's house and by putting all the toys that really belonged on the shared toy shelf, back on that shelf, the rest of L's toys actually DO fit in her toy basket, which sits on her playstand, so all is well. . .

but what was so cute was to listen to A explaining her "house rules" (her word) and the negotiation that went back and forth about keeping things tidy (which was totally logical, A is more of a packrat than L, but she keeps her things very tidy, and everything has it's place. L tends to be messier. So it makes sense that A would be concerned about that . . . but still was funny to listen to). All seems to be well for now, we'll see how things go over the next month . . .

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