We did a more relaxed day today. Based on discussion yesterday the only "new" stuff we still needed to hit were the Tiki Room (they've changed it, I'm not impressed, and will, in fact, try to talk the girls out of going there for the next few years if they say they want to go), Country Bear Jamboree, and "a Mickey show" (the girls' words, there's a musical Mickey show right now, so we went with it). So, we could pretty much stop & do whatever the girls wanted to do and still have plenty of time to hit those 3 things.
Of course A decided right off the bat that we needed to go through the Swiss Family Robinson's Treehouse again, sigh . . . now I know why my parents always insisted we didn't "have time" for that particular attraction, those are a LOT of stairs . . .especially after a solid week of lots of walking, carrying kids, etc.
A didn't want to go to the Tiki room, L did, so we split up for that and a few other things throughout the day.
Went on the Pooh ride again, I honestly think if they were to go on it w/ someone else they'd be shocked at what a boring ride it is, but it & the Peter Pan ride (L calls the Peter Pan ride the boat ride, btw, for those who are likely to get IRL (in real life) accounts of the trip) dh & I made a big deal about their "driving" the boat/honeypot and such and they pretty much laughed the whole way through.
Took us until today to figure out the Fast Pass things. They work well when you can plan out your whole day, not sure how well they would have worked on the earlier days when we were "winging it" more . . . I think when we come back in the future we'll be able to plan the days out in advance better since the girls will know what's there, so we can make more use of them.
We also gave the girls some "decompressing time" at the Pooh playground. We were there for over an hour and they would have happily stayed longer (but our fast pass time slot for Peter Pan came up, so we had to go to that. See the "downside" of the fast passes?).
And after a relatively treat-free trip (other than the halloween candy) we got the girls ice cream cones today. Last night we passed Mrs. Pott's Ice Cream shop & L wanted to know why Mrs. Pott's picture was on that store, so we told them what it was & they wanted ice cream but it was closed, so we did that today. And I figured if we're going to spend outrageous amounts on mediocre ice cream the girls might as well get exactly what they want, so they got CONES! Large soft serve cones, 4 yr olds (who I'm not sure have ever HAD a cone other than the teensy tiny ones we get at South Mtn Creamery, and even those we generally get a cup to "dump" them into as they melt), and 80 degree days = a total mess LOL. But the girls enjoyed them and we're heading home so the ice cream all over the shirts isn't a big deal, hopefully it'll wash out LOL.
A insisted we go back to Ariel's Grotto since she wasn't wearing her Ariel shirt the day we went & "I want to show Ariel my shirt", so, despite the est. 40 min wait we went. As we approached the front of the line (though it hadn't been 40 min, I'd say more like 20-25) A had to go potty & said she "thought" she could wait, but it wasn't a convincing "I think so". DH figured we had time, so A & I ran to the bathroom (it's close, thankfully) and just as we were leaving the bathroom dh called to say they were IN the grotto (they let people into the grotto in "groups" so there was still waiting time, but no way to "sneak" back into the line). I went to the exit and when the people who work in the grotto came to tell me I was in the wrong place I explained that A's sister was in there already and they wanted their pictures together but we'd had a bathroom emergency. Conveniently the girls were dressed the same today so I could say "her sister looks just like her only wearing a pink hat!" So . . . while I had to explain it to multiple people while we stood by the exit (various employees came to tell us we weren't supposed to be there LOL) we got in with no problem, Ariel noticed A's shirt right off the bat, all was well in mermaid land. . .
As we were waiting for the Mickey show this afternoon we asked the girls if there was anything else they wanted to do (show started at 4:40, not sure what time it was over) & neither of them could think of anything, so we suggested going back to the pool to swim & they agreed. They were both SO tired from all the walking & the heat by then, I think they were just DONE. So we came back & took them out to the pool for an hr & a half, where they made who knows how many new friends, had a BLAST, and threw a huge, twin tantrum when it was time to get out. We had minor tantrums throughout the evening (though PART of L's tantrum had to be a result of hunger, the 2 of them ate an entire box of mac & cheese, and L ate the majority of it!) but finally got them to sleep. . .
Now to survive the trip home LOL . . .
Pictures: I decided the album was SOOOO big, and most people probably only wanted to see the pictures of the kids anyway, but the girls get a kick out of seeing all the show pictures & such. So . . . I deleted all the pictures that didn't have the kids in them out of the Florida trip album. BUT if you really want to see a billion pictures of Beauty & the Beast, Small World, etc you can see ALL the pictures in this album which I'm hoping to set up so that the girls can click a link & go right to a slide show of it on their computer once we get home.
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