This lapbook was designed for older kids, and alot of the stuff was beyond them (write an acrostic poem . . . and such), and others we just skipped from lack of time. It's designed to be a lapbook made by gluing 2 file folders together (so you have 2 full openings, but since we skipped so much of it, we fit it all in one folder, similar to the Adam & Eve lapbook we did awhile back. Here's the inside of the lapbook:
Most of these open up to ask questions, that the girls answered (& I wrote down) after I read them various online things about St. Patrick's day. The bottom right corner (purple circle) opens up to be a chart where we took a bowl of Lucky Charms cereal and charted how many of each kind of marshmallow was in the bowl. I forsee this being something we can better utilize when they're older & they can use it to calculate percentages and all kinds of good stuff. For now, it mostly gave us an excuse to buy & eat a kind of totally unhealthy cereal that I generally won't buy LOL.
The other thing we did today was to make Green Smoothies they were a HIT! And you totally can't taste the spinach, so this would also be a great way to get a kid who doesn't like spinach to eat some greens :)
It really was more of a "spring green" in person, not sure why the picture turned out the color of pea soup LOL.
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