Friday, December 21, 2007

Book Review: Power of a Praying Parent

First, I should probably confess, that I didn't actually read the whole book. But that in itself says something huh . . . it wasn't horrible, and it could very well be that someone struggling w/ an out-of-control teenager, would find it very helpful. One thing that I found hard to overlook was at least the implication of, if not directly "advising" the need for punitive punishment and a rather dictatorial parenting style. At the very least, anyone reading this book, IMO should first (or concurrently) ready Biblical Parenting. I may also have had too high of expectations for this book since I found The Power of a Praying Wife, to be so powerful for me. And this is why I think it might be partially an ages & stages issue. Somehow praying that God help my children understand the seriousness of lying (and avoid it) when my children are at a stage where I don't feel they're developmentally able to comprehend the concept of lying, (the bottom half of this page, explains it better than I can). I certainly feel it's important to pray for our children, but whereas in praying for our husbands, there are global "areas of life" that I think can/do apply to all stages of a marriage, with children, I feel, after reading the first half (give or take) of the book, that ages/stages plays too much into how/what we should be praying for, even within a general category (yes, I pray for their safety now & I will pray for their safety when they get their drivers' license, but if I'm going to get more specific than "please keep them safe in all they do" the specifics are quite different now than when they're driving). So, other then the vague discipline issues, I don't have anything against it, I just didn't find that it was helpful to me at this time. I found myself struggling to get through it, each evening instead of finding each chapter a short & easy read and I found myself reading the included prayer and feeling "why am I praying this, this isn't relevant to my kids at this time" whereas when I was going through the wife book, even the chapters that I initially thought, well this isn't an issue dh/we struggle with, as I read the prayer, while yes, there were some areas that didn't apply, there seemed to always be at least a part of the prayer that I really felt was something relevant to where we're at right now, often something I never would have thought of on my own, but once it was in front of me, oh yeah, there's that!

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